Category Archives: LifeGroup

LifeGroup Outreach – April 2012

Our group was able to help out with a couple who has recently joined our LifeGroup.  They have just bought a ‘fixer up-er’ and are beginning with renovations to the interior of their home.  They have several outside projects that needed a helping hand, so our LifeGroup was able to chip in.  Rather than giving you all the details myself, check out their first-hand account of our time being the hands and feet of Christ.

Written by Ryan Martin, Andrew & Arielle Toburen


LifeGroup Outreach – April 2012

I was afraid our group (being so small) would lack any real punch to organize and do anything of consequence, but here are a few things God did with our LifeGroup outreach.

We were able to shop with a mother who is dealing with cancer and her children at TJ Maxx. We were surprised that she was able to come, but she made it through and was very thankful for the generosity of so many.

Several members of our group shopped for another UBC mother to get her some new clothes to wear to church.  We put together a bunch of Easter baskets with candy and Gospel tracts to hand out to kids. I saw God moving in all of these details beforehand, but on Saturday I was really amazed.

I took my niece to help me deliver the baskets and I reserved one for my neighbor’s son. My neighbors were out all day, so we met up with J.J. Tartaglia and left to deliver the others. Many of the families weren’t home when we arrived, but we did meet with one family whose children have been coming to UBC for about 2 years now. When we delivered the candy, baskets and toys, the daughter was thrilled. Her mom came out and nearly cried because of the generosity she saw. She told me that folks are always bringing them stuff and are always there for her kids.

My niece handed me the DVD that I had reserved for my neighbor’s son, and as we were walking away from this family, we gave the last gift for their son instead. Their expressions showed astonishment, as it turns out this was their son’s favorite DVD and he rents it all the time. They were so excited. It hit me that God was handing out the baskets. Wow!

While delivering another baskets, I was prompted to share my testimony briefly with a father and we had a long talk. I believe that God’s mercy and grace had me in front of him alone that day. I will keep praying for him.

After I got home late that night, I considered not giving the basket to my neighbor. The Holy Spirit nudged again, though, and I knocked on the door. No one came to the door so I went inside my apartment. I had to go back to my car an hour later and met my neighbors on the sidewalk! I told them about the basket and they were so happy. They don’t have a home church, and I could tell by their expressions that they were somewhat interested in UBC.

What I noticed was that God is the most amazing lover of our souls and I see how He works in the minutest details to arrange encounters with His love. When the Bible says He works in mysterious ways, they are that, but so much more! He is so loving – beyond comparison, beyond comprehension and definitely beyond description!

What a God we have who loves us before we loved Him!  He is a marvelous and wonderful God! The One True God!

Written by Rob Ahrent