Category Archives: Church Planting

Boulder: Video Recap – July 2016


Boulder: Day 5 – July 2016

We capped off a great week with a celebration! On the last day of VBS the church hosted a carnival and lunch with all the kids and their parents.IMG_2526 As we ate our food, we got to know Anje, a single mom of 3 kids we spent the week with. Listening to her story, we learned this is the first church experience her kids have ever had, and her first also! Her 7-year-old daughter has been asking Anje a lot of questions about Jesus she felt ill-prepared to answer. So when a friend invited them to VBS, she thought it was a great idea! God opened the door to share the gospel with her as our conversation progressed and she responded by saying she is spiritually open at this point and wants to know more. Please pray with us for her salvation and for that of her kids and praise Jesus he brought them to EBBC VBS!

Written by Hayley Spencer


Boulder: Day 4 – July 2016

IMG_7089The soccer rotation of VBS has been great this week. Despite the heat, kids are playing hard and having fun. The younger groups have been playing soccer games with a ball and the older groups have been dividing up teams and playing. With the older groups especially, we have been expecting three things when playing: encouraging each other (including the other team), playing fair, and practicing self-control during and after the game. We also have been emphasizing the daily VBS themes during our water breaks. Today we discussed “Trusting God” based on the verse from Psalm 31:14 – “But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord; I say, ‘You are my God'”.

Written by Scott Rainer




Boulder: Day 3 – July 2016

Day 3 of Boulder and day 2 of VBS was a success. We had more kids today than yesterday, and are hoping the number grows even moreIMG_7087 tomorrow. All of the kids were enthusiastic in both singing and learning about God through story time. After VBS, we had the opportunity to spend a fun afternoon hiking. We went to Lyons, CO, and hung out at the cabin of someone we were able to serve yesterday afternoon. Some group members went on a long hike up the Twin Sisters Peaks, some went to a lake nearby, and the rest relaxed at the cabin. Afterwards, we all came together for dinner and fellowship. Pray for the health and rest for the team, and the ability to serve well. Also continue to pray for fruit in the kids coming to VBS and patience and love of the leaders. Thank you for your continual support.

Written by Hannah Burgess and other UBSM Students!








Boulder: Day 2 – July 2016

Today was the first day of Vacation Bible School. We had 63 kids show up which is more than last year and a huge praise to the Lord! We are praying for 200 by the end of the week so please pray with us that more people will become interested, bring their kids, and even come themselves. It’s been encouraging to see how the Lord is using us to plant the seed of salvation in these young hearts and hopefully even in their parents and families. Pray with us that the good news we are sharing with these kids will spread to others who have maybe never heard it. Also pray for the safety of the team and the health of the few who have gotten sick. Thank you for your support!

-UBSM girls






Boulder: Day 1 – July 2016

Today was a great start to our week of ministry with East Boulder Baptist.  We arrived yesterday evening (Saturday) and had orientation.  This morning we gathered in worship with EBBC and were challenged from Romans 10:13-15, with how to walk with beautiful feet in the everyday mission that God has called us to.  We followed the service with a lunch and time of preparation for our week of helping to lead VBS and serve through hands-on work projects.  Here are some highlights of our team prepping for this exciting week with kids from across Boulder.






Boulder: Morgan Montgomery – Summer 2016

UntitledToday marks the end of my first week serving here at East Boulder Baptist. This first week featured a non-stop, action packed day camp for 6th – 9th graders called Elevate. Elevate pushed the youth to grow and trust in each other and in Christ. During this week, we took them rock climbing, to an American gladiator gym (like the show American Ninja Warrior), camping, boating on a lake, we completed service projects, and made a massive slip and slide. We asked the kids to push themselves further each day and by the end of this challenging week they began to open up about their personal relationships.

The night we went camping I was fortunate enough to share Christ’s love, the power of sin (Rom. 6:23), and a little of my testimony to two boys Kayden and Ashish. I shared how God calls us to become aware of our own sin and how Christ paid the price for us on the cross. Kayden and Ashish revealed sin in their lives and were seeking to get closer to Christ. Both of them are raised in the church, but neither attends EBB. I’m praying that the spirit humbles them and continues to grow in their hearts.

Up next is the final week of Elevate. This week we’ll be taking a new group of kids on the same adventures as last week. Thank you UBC for your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for the youth and their parents. Please pray that I will be bold and share the gospel outside of the youth as well. Also pray that I have endless joy and energy (I need it).

For His Glory,

Morgan Montgomery


Boulder: Day 6 – March 2016

IMG_3967Today started with a delicious pancake breakfast that I prepared for our team with my  faithful companion Chad McCone. After breakfast, the team filled into the van and headed out to the day’s project site: the Boulder Homeless Shelter.

The drive over was beautiful, with the snow-covered mountains in the background. We arrived there around 8:30 and met with Andrew who runs the shelter and also runs the childcare for The Well church. We then divided and conquered with the boys heading outside to clear the snowy sidewalks and the girls heading inside to prepare meals. It was hard work until 1:30, but it was much appreciated. Typically, one employee, Mary Beth, is responsible for the work our group did. I imagine she must work so hard!

Following dinner and showers, we were able to provide childcare for the parents of The Well, allowing many of them a much needed date night.

Goodbyes are always hard, but we leave in peace, knowing that The Well, Horizons International, and the Boulder Homeless Shelter are being led by people who are spiritually sound, building on the foundation that has been laid by our Savior Jesus Christ.

Pray for safe travels back tomorrow and in everything, that love binds us together.

Written by Andy Garcia


Boulder: Day 5 – March 2016

IMG_3906Today we woke up fully expecting to pass the day walking around the CU campus and hike, but when we looked outside, we saw six inches of snow more coming down. So we made some delicious cinnamon rolls for breakfast and sat down to figure out how to spend the day. Since we had already planned to have a fun day, we just decided to spend it in the snow. By lunch, there was a solid 15 inches of snow on the ground. We had several snowball fights, watched Netflix inside, even built an igloo, but by 4:00, some of us were tired of being stuck inside. We decided to brave the quickly cleared streets to visit a coffee shop on Pearl St. After spending a relaxing two hours there, everyone headed to dinner with Dwaine, who we’d met at Horizons yesterday. Despite our favorite Boulder restaurant (The Sink) being closed, we ate a good pizza dinner and drove back to EBBC for devotions. Please pray for the snow to clear up quickly enough for us to get back safely and for us to still be effective in our ministries even when we’re snowed in.

Written by Hannah Burgess


Boulder: Day 4 – March 2016

Today we spent most of our time helping out a ministry called Horizons. This ministry reaches out to the many international students who attend CU here inIMG_0187 Boulder. Our team helped serve by cleaning, organizing and landscaping their facilities. With so much man power we knocked out the many jobs they had for us.  It’s always nice to be a blessing for our brothers and sisters in Christ. These guys do great work to reach students from all over the world for Jesus. With such a high population of international students and different religious influence here, Horizons has huge opportunity to make an impact for the Kingdom.

It’s been really cool for me to be able to sit back and watch how well our team has come together. With a mixed group of college students and high schoolers, it seems like we have all been friends for some time. It’s cool how God works like that. I think we are learning how to be flexible when things are far different from home. On trips like this, you must be able to change your plans at any moment, and our team has done a great job adjusting and being patient with me.

IMG_3900Our time this week has been mostly spent partnering alongside The Well. This body of believers serves Boulder and proclaims the Gospel faithfully. Although it might look different here than it does in Fayetteville, the Good News is being put on display in this dark city. It’s been a great joy to help further their reach here as they try to reach this city for Christ.

Please keep the team in your prayers as we will be coming home soon.

Also pray for The Well as they work to make His name know throughout all nations.

Written by Chad McCone